
6 Best Food to Boost Your Child’s Brain Development

According to multiple pieces of research on toddlers and brain development, it’s safe to say that the first few years of brain development define how a child’s brain will function later on in life. Ensuring your child receives the proper nutrients and food required for healthier brain growth and development from a very early age is compulsory. What you feed a child impacts their weight and memory, learning, brain functions, impulse control, and many other aspects of life.

So what do you feed a child? Whatever you provide your child, make sure it has adequate nutrients, including protein, iron, good fatty acids, zinc, choline, calcium, and vitamins. Here is a list of the six best food items that are necessary for healthy brain development.

1.    Eggs:

Eggs are an excellent source of choline and protein. Choline in egg yolks alleviates inflammation and promotes brain function, such as retaining memory and brain cell communication.

2.    Fatty Fish:

Fatty fish is enriched with omega-three fatty acids, protein, iron, and vitamin D and B12. This makes fatty fish an ideal source of brain-boosting nutrients that every mother should incorporate into her child’s diet. Examples of fatty fish include salmon, which is very easy to get at local grocery stores.

3.    Beans:

Beans are beneficial for adults and children alike. They are rich in protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B6, crucial for brain health development. You can find a variety of beans in the market, including turtle bean, flat bean, pinto bean, Monette bean, cranberry bean, and more.

4.    Dairy Products:

Dairy products like milk or yogurt should be a part of your child’s meal plan every day. Dairy products contain various nutrients, including protein, zinc, choline, iodine, and vitamin B12, all of which hold great importance to brain development.  Besides, dairy products have calcium, which helps with bone development and strengthening, which is beneficial for brain growth.

5.    Vegetables:

Veggies might be a child’s most minor favorite food item, but they encompass the most nutrients required for brain growth. Broccoli, green peas, okra, mushrooms, potato, sweet corn, spinach, kale, and other leafy greens are among the best veggie options for mothers to give to their children.

6.    Fruits:

Unlike veggies, most kids love eating fruits. They are tasty, flavorful, complete, and enriched with nutrients including fiber, iron, zinc, and others, crucial for a child’s overall health and brain development.